The acclaimed franchise game Assassin’s Creed now plays host to the fateful Golden Age of Piracy, a season filled with unbelievable stories and legends that still live today. In the role of greedy, charismatic Welsh Edward Kenway, the player will experience the war between English and Spanish, discovering what goes on beneath the scenes involving the Assassins and the Templars. The story takes place in the Caribbean seas during the year 1715 and this time the map will be much larger, with around 50 unique places to explore. Promising long hours of gameplay, the new title includes naval components just like its predecessor.
Installation requires PS4 FW 5.05 or lower.
- Extract the 'PS4 Exploit Host' to your pc;
- Configure your PS4 to use ps4 exploit server ip and dns;
- Format your usb drive / key device in exFAT format;
- Copy the .pkg file to the usb device root;
- Connect usb device to ps4;
- In ps4, go to settings, then user guide;
- Start one of the exploits, ‘CelesteBlue123 / LightningMods’;
- Go to ‘Debug Settings’> ‘Game’> ‘Package Installer’;
- Install the pkg file and start the game;
Assassins Creed IV Black Flag - PS4
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